Date Conversions, Number Conversions, & Years Database

Directly below is a screen shot (reduced to 80%) of the Date Conversion function in BC2000. Just type in the Gregorian civil calendar date and press "change to Hebrew", and it's instantly converted. You can then change the format to the various approved date display methods, and enter it as a codes search term without typing by pressing OK. It's fast, thorough, and easy to use.

The Numbers conversion is even easier. Just type in a number, and press "change to Hebrew". The program automatically shows the results below. BC2000 is the only one that gives you the number in words (both masculine and feminine forms) besides the straightforward Hebrew letters as numbers. Just press OK besides the results you want to use, and it's entered for a codes search without typing.

The Years database is a brand new function in the program. It has all years between 1583 and 2150 AD pre-calculated to the Jewish calendar. It shows two years for each Jewish year because the Jewish year begins in the fall of the year at Rosh Hashanah and runs to the next fall. Double-click on your choice or press OK and it's entered for a codes search without typing.

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